


 ...  ...  Amen







Placement of the MINDS: Place close and around the Ships. If you guess a hit on a Boat ... you might go the other way hitting a Mine. Hitting a Mine Sinks the Ship.

Minds can be placed Together or Diagonally as can

The Queen. If the Queen is placed Diagonally She

can't be hit with a one drop NUKE  because there not on the same Plane.

Not placing your Ships on the same Plane also

helps against NUKE hits . Less Holes lining up on the same Plane.

'Calling  your Ship'  By calling your Ship with 

how many Shots your sending  gives away if it's been  hit  yet and with how many.

"My Flat Top with 3 to your"  Shows it's been hit twice.








'Your Captured Queen'


Placing the Enemy's Queen Together on the same Plane increases the chances she can be hit with a NUKE and killed instead of being  captured back.

​Because of the Addison of the Three Minds ,

Paint the top of three red pegs with black felt pen

and use those to record 'Hitting a Mine' on the 

'Hit or Miss'  Board.

​Take Four Yellow Pegs & Paint the tops of two one color

the other two another color. When you Capture a

Queen you can tell the difference between the two (sets) on the Board. 

Studying the Hit & Miss Board after each Game to see &

 find any patterns .



For your Computer Attack







3 MINDS     (Red Pegs)

(I also painted my SUB Black so you can't see it)

 ...  ..."And may God have Mercy on all our Souls"

Enhancements to the War Game

*The Queen to be Captured and taken back.

*Three Minds

*​Instead of one shot each turn we use how many

holes on the  'Called Boat'.

​*The B-52 with a NUKE.

When you sink a Ship you go again (Second Turn)  flying over a Nuke.

*The Game Opens with 'a Salvo' from

a Bomber with 6 Conventional Bombs

​or one Nuke.  (These would Destroy Mines)




We start the War Game with an  'Opening Salvo'.

You must pick a  Bomber from 'Command & Control'.  

On this first turn  (Whoever gets it)  Flies that  Bomber

With 6 Shots or one Nuke to open the Game. 

​After that it's How many  Holes  on the  'Called Boat'  Shots per turn with Tomahawks/Torpedoes/Black Ops Units.

Game is over when all of one sides   Ships   have been Sunk.

With a hit on the Queen's Twin Towers, remove Yellow Peg

and replace with a Red Peg. Two Hits and she is gone.

If the Girl is left with only one Red Peg in her and all

your Ships are sunk she lives to see another day. 




Your Queen is in your Twin Towers. (Two Yellow Pegs

When found by a Black Ops Unit She comes over  and is  Represented by Two more Yellow Pegs.  

To be found and taken back.




Type in


"Oh! SHIT!"



WAR GAMEING  Paramilitary Black Ops


3 Red Pegs  MINDS



Found in Command & Control