California Towhee 1/5/19


Song Sparrow1/3/19



Blue Jay (Western Scrub Jay)

Plumber G 256

American Robin

Young Red Tail Hawk

Floyd The Barber 259

Blue Jay

American Robin

Yellow -rumped Warbler

Clay-colored Thrush  12/29/18

Yellow-rumped Warbler 12/26/18

Goldfinger 223's findings in Arizona

Great Horned Owl  12/27/18

Female  1/3/19


Black Hooded Phoebe

Project 1: Backyard Birds

Male < Anna's Hummingbird > Female

Greenfish 217

Starting fresh, I spotted these in my backyard only last week.  12/19/18    >>>>

Seems to be less after the smoke from the fire...but look to be coming back.

Male < Black-Chinned Hummingbird > 


Blue Jay

​American Robin

​Hummingbird xxxx

​Great Horned Owl

House Finch

European Starling


 Project 1 : Identify only the Birds that land in your BACK YARD. (or neighbors is fair)

Some I know already, and some I don't!

American Robin


European Starling
