'TORTIESector 2    not seen sence July 4/19>>>Tortie is back 8/3/19       

Have seen 'Taby Jackson' #2 back there.

Seen> Orange/White/Black Dom. lost cat not  around my working area.... ( food & water for the night ) Mission & Ocean 8/28/19

Both are here/ July 2022

Tabby  Kitten seen at Sector3  11/8/17

'Garden Party'......Trap Training......Nope...she won't go in.....still feeding 7/30/19

 Caught  Sector 3'Stilts' 11/8/17>B&W, Tame>on hold ACC

Status >Found a new home

Silvia / Kitten /Caught one day before haveing Kittens         Found Home!4/4/22

Siger / An Old Taby I Brought Home  ... Fed that Cat for about 5 Years under Cars 3/5/22

'Orange' Sector  3 >seen a Lost Dom. orange & white fixed male 7/5/19

Caught him! > 7/30/19

Staus:  on hold ACC......


Returned to owener

Damaged Orange Caught /Brought to SPCA  5/23/20

Caught : Found owner >Returned 8/29/19

Sector 2 #54 'Hotshot'... black kitten under car

caught: 9/15/2016 >Found new home

Status >still on hold at ACC>

Up Date:The Kitten passed!...they think

they can get it a home! They said to us "Good Job!"

Sector 3  'Jackson' lost & *Recoverd  Code BLUE TO ACC  12/18/18    (Taby Jackson #1)

Briefing Room

# 55 'WildSide'

8 Yr. old unfixed Male (Black)

Trapped  2/10/17  Sector 17 Alpha

Status >TNRed

Released 2/12/17