The San Francisco Radio Club
Sour Doe > $170 or best offer
311: Has a 4 element 11 Meter Beam for sale.
217's new Base Amp.
We will be making a second one for sale....Hurry to put in your order!
290 Six Stringer : Has
A Royce Base Station-40 Ch.
A Midland Base Station-With Extra's.
(and a lot of other stuff)
I do have a 4 pill moble, its a Palamal 500 elete base, converted to a moble, ive upgraded with lots of new parts, i call it Frankenstein, the transistors are mfr455s, its average is about 350, 600-700 pep, thats on high, it has low, med, and hi, draws about 30-35 amps maybe a tad more.
I also have a very small 2 pill mrf 455s, both are ab bias, and have pre amps. ill take $175 for the 4 pill, and $75 for the 2pill.
I also have a moble 2 pill 2879s, I built from scratch. its all new and tuned perfect!
Ive spoke to you using this amp. this dude averages 300 and pep 550, its a good clean build on the inside. it looks a little beat up on the outside because its an old Palamar 4 pill case and heat sink. i just installed a varible, and a modulation led. it really Rocks!
i have a few more but im tired and need sleep, hee! i can send picks.
thank you for your BAD ASS! web site
As we poke things in here....Just Key up or E- mail me for the stuff.
And now our FB Page for contacts
Time Traveler 266: A Two Pill & An X-FORCE 4 Pill (Make an offer)
Bill Unit 248 : Has a KENWOOD FOR SALE $1300